Privacy Policy

Data Usage

  • NIPUNA Accounting App/software respects User Information Confidentiality. NIPUNA Accounting extracts and store Username and Email from Google Sign-In for verification purposes.
  • NIPUNA Accounting also extracts and store all entered date for the future analysis by the user and works as a communication medium between the users by sharing their data with each other.
  • NIPUNA Accounting will never share any user information without user consent to any third party (except its users).
  • NIPUNA Accounting and / or the Developers/ Owner of NIPUNA Accounting App/software will contain the Full Right of performing any legal actions upon the use of any information’s/Data form NIPUNA Accounting by/for any third party.
  • "Data Usage / Privacy Policy" is subjected to change at any time with / without prior notice to the users.

App Permissions

The major permissions used by the app are:

  1. Storage:
    • To store the images of the properties.
    • To store Various entered data in the app/software.
    • To store location data.
    • To store various data file required for the functioning on the App/Software.
  2. Location/Maps:
    • To display the Map and get your / property location from your current location.
    • For providing various Map related functionalities in the App.
  3. Camera:
    • Camera permission is for exclusively capturing images of the property.

If you find any problems and would like to provide us with feedback and suggestions, please contact us at [email protected]
Your suggestions and opinions will undoubtedly assist us in making it better and more useful.
